Sponsorships & Donations


The Board of Bamaga Nominees Pty Ltd as Trustee of the Bamaga Community Fund is committed to ensuring that its charitable objects are delivered in an ethical manner.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the guidelines for the provision of financial and other socio support to Bamaga community stakeholders, individual Bamaga residents and their families.

The implementation of this program aims to relieve or prevent poverty (or financial hardship) among disadvantaged indigenous people of Bamaga (and the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) where organisations service the whole of the NPA by providing grants and donations, training, employment and job opportunities, enterprise creation, products, equipment and services, advocacy and education and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient.

Bamaga Community Fund Socio Support Policy covers the following area of financial socio support:

1. Educational and Training related Purposes

2. Sporting & Recreational Activities

3. Funeral Expenses

4. Aged Support

5. Medical Assistance

6. Community Infrastructure

7. Arts and Culture

8. Religion

9. General Requests.

Who can apply for funding


  • Any Indigenous person who has resided in Bamaga for a period of five years or who resides in the Northern Peninsular Area (NPA) and is considered by the Bamaga Community to be a Bamaga person and/or at the discretion of the Board, any former residents of Bamaga who reside elsewhere for health, medical, educational or separate reasons and who have strong family ties to Bamaga.


  • Any Bamaga based organisation, Indigenous Corporation, Club, Association or Business or religious body whose primary purpose is for the benefit of Bamaga residents. Exceptions will be considered from organisations set up to service the whole NPA including Bamaga.


  • Any non-Bamaga or non-NPA based individual, organisation, Indigenous Corporation, Club, Association or Business or religious body with strong cultural and traditional tie to the Islander people of Bamaga whose aim is to further the Bamaga Community Fund’s purpose. Note that if the person has been away from Bamaga/NPA for more than 5 years, there is no longer any support for them or family. During the five years, per the policy there is a 50% reduction of support.


  • In all cases, this is a policy guideline and still at the absolute discretion of the Board as to any support without reasons to be provided in relation to any decision.

What criteria may be met

Applicants must also address, as much as possible, the following criteria;

a) If there is Government or other funding available that the Applicant has sought this funding (This policy is designed not to take the place of existing government programs and services);
b) There is a real financial hardship on the part of the Applicant to meet the proposed funding;
c) The nature and extent of benefit to the Community;
d) Whether the recipients and/or family are also contributing financial or in kind support themselves;
e) Whether there is a specific community need not being met that the funding will meet;
f) The funding is not likely to create division within the Community
g) It must deliver positive and real support outcomes to the Applicant, the Applicant’s family or the community.
h) Any other information requested by Bamaga Community Fund or information that supports the application.


The following Types of Matters May Be Funded.

a) General Support for School Students: (fulltime in prep, junior, middle or high school) e.g., provision of school uniforms

b) Scholarships and Course fees

(i) Scholarships (on application) with applications only for full-time university courses or significant Diploma courses including online and available for ex high school persons (who can have up to 2 years gap) with up to three years support. Up to $7,000 per annum to be paid in two equal amounts in arrears i.e., on successful completion of each semester. Application form is to be completed and the applicant must pass each year to be entitled to continue to receive scholarship or be given a waiver if they fail a subject, to continue the scholarship but the original term will not change. The Board may consider a scholarship on a pro-rata basis if not full-time.

(ii) TAFE/similar career-based courses. Consideration of payment of course fees of up to $1,000 for a full or part time course. This to be paid direct to TAFE or reimbursed on proof of receipt. This is on a per annum basis with any future support being dependent on passing previous courses. Longer term TAFE courses (e.g., Block release – Cert IV) will be considered at $3000 pa over the term of the course when each year’s blocks are successfully completed.

c) Training related courses such as obtaining trade or heavy equipment operator tickets or licenses. Contribution to the cost of obtaining trade tickets/licenses and travel up to $1,500.

d) School trips: – At the discretion of the Board major school excursions to be paid direct to the school.

e) School Equipment – Funding of school equipment and course related needs to support teachers, mentors and enhance quality of education. For example, uniforms for hospitality students. Board will consider funding on application.

(Maximum of $135,000 is allocated per annum)

*See rule re 5 year NPA non-residency requirement limit.


The following Types of Matters May Be Funded (hardship rule to be reinforced).

a) Bamaga based Sporting and Recreational Clubs or Organisers, with a majority of Bamaga Community participants with a maximum support of up to $3,500 per financial year. This is paid directly to suppliers of uniforms or equipment or other appropriate third party suppliers.

b) Individuals are able to claim the following amounts to participate in sporting and/or club type activities at the following levels (tiers).

(i) To TI (local) – up to $300 pa child/youth/adult
(ii) Regional (outside of the NPA and TI) representation within Queensland (up to $1,500 per child/youth/adult; up to $750 for non-NPA resident)
(iii) State/National Representation (up to $3,000 per child/youth/adult; up to $1,500 for non-NPA resident)

Only one payment per annum for (i) and (ii). This is paid to a third party such as a School, Regional or State Association or to, for example, airlines or hotels for travel & accommodation. For (iii), this can be paid as a scholarship.

c) Sporting scholarship(s) for exceptionally gifted sports persons who are looking to make a career of the sport.

d) Donations to youth camps, fundraising, Bamaga Community projects and individual development projects.

(Maximum of $50,000 is allocated per annum)
*See rule re 5 year NPA non-residency requirement limit.


The following types of matters may be funded:

  • Funeral Director
  • Freight costs for returning the deceased to Bamaga
  • Purchase of coffin
  • Flowers
  • Catering/food for the family gathering
  • Hire of hearse
  • Grave preparation
  • Other expenses directly related to the funeral

Cash will not be given to families but Purchase Orders with be issued to companies providing goods and services or payment will be made directly to such companies on presentation of an invoice.

To qualify for this assistance applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. The deceased must be buried in the NPA
2. The family gathering must take place in the NPA
3. Meet the definition of who the policy is supporting. The Board will have further discretion to support older Bamaga persons who have had to reside outside of the Community due to health care purposes.
4. Complete and lodge a Funeral Declaration Form so that the application can be assessed.

Up to $6,000 including GST per funeral.

The following will not be funded.

Applications for travel & accommodation will not be paid for persons to attend the funeral.

(Estimated Annual $42,000)

The funeral declaration form is available here


The following Types of Matters May Be Funded.

a) Support of up to $3,000 to purchase specially designed or adapted products, medical equipment, items, services or facilities to relieve the needs of such persons provided funding or equipment etc is not available through other health or medical funding programs. The individual will be required to sign an agreement stating that the equipment will be returned when no longer needed and cannot be passed onto others unless proper application is submitted and approval has been given by the Board). Appropriate recommendation from Health authorities required.

b) Donations to fund recreational “days out” for the older people.

(Maximum of $20,000 is allocated per annum)


The following types of matters may be funded:

a) Bamaga Community members (as defined) or NPA residents at the discretion of Board who suffer a long-term illness and requires regular treatment throughout the year (e.g. cancer) can claim up to $3,000 per year to assist with payments required for ongoing medical support. Paid quarterly (or as required on application for treatment(s)). Advice from medical practitioner is required. To be reviewed at the start of each year.

The following types of matters will not be funded:

  • Application for televisions, fixtures and fittings etc. unless directly related and necessary to improve or sustain health of individuals (e.g. air conditioners).

Maximum of $10,000 is allocated per annum.


The following types of matters may be funded:

a) Donations towards Community Sports and Recreation infrastructure which cannot be fully funded by local, State or Federal Government programs or community organisations, for example PCYC.

b) Donations to key community stakeholders involved in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s issues, Childcare/Pre-School activities, (e.g. Childcare Playground).

Maximum of $30,000 is allocated per annum.


The following types of matters may be funded:

Donations to assist Bamaga-based groups with a majority of Bamaga Community participants, in the area of arts and culture. This may involve but not be limited to;

a) Costumes
b) Training of dancers
c) Performances/displays
d) Travel to dance festivals

Maximum of $15,000 is allocated per annum (in general maximum $2,000 per event).


The following types of matters may be funded:

Funding up to a maximum of $2,000 per group per annum may be allocated to Programs undertaken by the following four Church Groups in Bamaga:

• Assembly of God
• Jehovah’s Witnesses
• Catholic Church
• Anglican Church.
• Christian Fellowship Church

Maximum of $10,000 is allocated to Religious Groups per annum (maximum of $2,000 each Group).


The following Types of Matters May Be Funded.

Any requests not covered by the above will be considered on their merits.

Bamaga Community Fund will not pay anything relating to rent, or utilities.

Maximum of $10,000 is allocated per annum.


It is intended that these guidelines will be reviewed by the Directors on a regular basis.


Applications for funding must:

a) Be in writing and in the approved form as agreed by the Bamaga Community Fund or their delegate.
b) Nominate the amount of funding assistance required.
c) Provide the necessary supporting material such as evidence of expenses, quotes, invoices and medical practitioner recommendation.
d) Applicants must address the mandatory criteria listed above.
e) If the Directors approve any funding in accordance with this schedule it may apply conditions to the funding support.

You can download a printable copy of the application form here.


The Chairperson
Bamaga Nominees Pty Ltd ATF Bamaga Community Fund
PO Box 82
Bamaga Qld 4876


Hand delivered to

Bamaga Enterprises Ltd Office
Rural Transaction Centre
Adidi Street
Bamaga Qld 4876


Email to:



Bamaga Community Fund or an approved delegate(s) will consider all applications at the next Bamaga Community Fund Board meeting or earlier (especially for Funerals) at the absolute discretion of Directors.

The level of grant, donation and sponsorship support is subject to change dependent on the amount of funding available in any given year, which itself is dependent on economic conditions. This may preclude the ability to provide support.

Bamaga Community Fund reserves the right to publicise appropriate grant, donation and sponsorship funding, for example in its Annual Report, but will use discretion as to what type of funding it uses for publication purposes. For example, the names of families receiving funeral support would not be published.

Applications forms are available from the BEL office or downloaded here.


Delegated Approvals outside of meetings for urgent applications in relation to the above policy as follows;

Chairperson and Company Secretary (to be confirmed at following directors meeting)

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